Thursday, May 19, 2011

inmigrants groups in America

Between 1880 and 1930, nearly 24 million new immigrants arrive in America. Many go to work building a new frontier: the modern city, one of America's greatest inventions. The high cost of land in cities like New York and Chicago means the only way to build is up. A new kind of building, the sky scraper, is made possible by steel. Produced on a massive scale by Scottish immigrant Andrew Carnegie, steel production underpins the infrastructure of the modern city. This new urban frontier draws rural migrants and newly arrived immigrant workers. For many, the Statue of Liberty is their first sight of the New World and Ellis Island is the gateway to the American Dream.Although some inmigrants, who came to america, stayed in New york, others like norwegians and germans spread throught the states of Massachussets, Maine, Virginia and New Jersey.
The link that is exposed up next is for addtitional information:,
Norwegians, Latin Americans, Germans, Chinese and Russians are some groups of people listed here.

The norwegian neighbourhood located in Boston is an example of norwegians locations in America.

how does the past historic events have affected the present?

The past historic events affects the present  in many ways, the future is not writen, but, the actions that we do today affect the futture of the world.

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